Monday, September 13, 2021

Interdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence Initiative by MIT Graduate Students


Inspirit AI: the artificial intelligence enrichment program for middle and high schoolers, developed and taught by MIT graduates.

How can AI help us mitigate the climate crisis, trace the spread of illnesses, build self-driving cars, or identify bias in the criminal justice system? How exactly does Netflix know what your next favorite TV show is before you do? At the AI Scholars program students learn to apply an AI toolkit to tackle such real-world issues in domains they're passionate about no prior programming experience necessary.


Through a project-based curriculum, students work under the guidance of an AI mentor from Stanford or MIT to explore the ethics and applications of artificial intelligence in healthcare, environment, law, music, astronomy and more! At the end of the course, students gain a sophisticated understanding of AI, experience applying AI to real-world datasets, and a final project they can use to enhance their college portfolio and careers.

"I have never attended a program that makes AI so accessible for high school students. Not only did I learn how to build various models, I also understood how they worked and how I could apply them to my own passions for history and political science. Inspirit AI has equipped me with the tools and mentors to pursue artificial intelligence further with a strong foundation.” 

Applications for our 2021 programs are openThe deadline to apply is September 30th.

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