Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Waterloo Unlimited for Grade 10s - register NOW!

Grade 10 enrichment program at the University of Waterloo, May 2013
The theme of "Change"
May 12th - 16th, 2013
5 day program (Sunday through Thursday)
Application deadline: postmarked by March 1, 2013
We live in the midst of change: technological change, social change, political change, environmental change. In modern times humankind has experienced an unprecedented rapidity of change. How do we adapt, or not adapt... and what are the consequences? Students will consider the perspectives of scientists, engineers, writers, and philosophers, as they examine the dynamics of "Change".
Program fee: $450
Supervised overnight shared residence accommodation: $120
Printable handout:

Encounters with Canada Opportunities!!!

Please note the information below from James Quealey - the provincial rep for Encounters - there are
GREAT deals for "Encounters with Canada". The calendar is attached - and please note that there are some new weeks added as indicated.
This is an amazing program - definitely worth pursuing if possible for every child between the ages of 14 and 17.
In order to register, students
must contact James Quealey at:
He will help them to register online.
Dear Friends of EWC,

There are grant funds available to assist students, depending on need and numbers.

Also, please be advised that there are now 2 arts and cultures weeks as the calendar has been revised:

Arts and culture weeks are now :

March 10th. thru   March  16th.  #  201307


March 31st.  thru  April 6th.        # 201310

Both of these weeks are discounted by $100.00.

So with the new grants I can give + another $100.00 these weeks can be attended for a substanitial reduction in costs per student.

There are also grants for all of the other weeks as well, again, depending on need and numbers.

These offers will not last, so please take advantage of these great savings to your students while they last

and contact me ASAP

many thanks and,

Professionally yours,

Jim Quealey